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GitHub Actions are configured by populating inputs consumed by the GitHub Action and utilizing outputs provided by the GitHub Action. This section documents Lighthouse Check GitHub Action inputs and outputs.

See the examples section to see the various ways one can configure Lighthouse Check GitHub Action.



Type: string | undefined

The AWS accessKeyId for an S3 bucket.


Type: string | undefined

The AWS Bucket for an S3 bucket.


Type: string | undefined

The AWS region for an S3 bucket.


Type: string | undefined

The AWS secretAccessKey for an S3 bucket.


Type: string | undefined

A configuration file path in JSON format which holds all options defined here. This file should be relative to the file being interpretted. In this case it will most likely be the root of the repo (./).


Type: string | undefined

An endpoint to post comments to. This is only needed if you want to trigger comments on push. A pull_request trigger does not require this to be set. Typically this will be from GitHub's API. Example:


Type: 'all' | 'desktop' | 'mobile' | undefined

The device in which to run Lighthouse. Note: When specifying all - Lighthouse will run multiple times (once per device).


Type: string | undefined

Stringified HTTP Header object key/value pairs to send in requests.


'{ "x-hello-world": "foobar", "x-some-other-thing": "hi" }'


Type: string | undefined

The account API token found in the account API page.


Type: string | undefined

Used in Slack notifications, linking the authoring user to their GitHub profile. In a GitHub context you could use


Type: string | undefined

Used in Slack notifications. In a GitHub context you could use github.ref.


Type: string | undefined

GitHub Action Token which allows to post PR comments.


Type: string | undefined

A locale for Lighthouse reports. Example: ja


Type: string | undefined

An absolute directory path to output report. You can do this an an alternative or combined with an S3 upload.


Type: string | undefined

A JSON file with config and option fields to overrides defaults. See example here.


Type: number | undefined

The maximum number of times to retry. Note: This is not supported when running against Foo's API as retry logic is already in place.


Type: boolean | undefined

If true and gitHubAccessToken is set scores will be posted as comments.


Type: boolean | undefined

If true and PR comment options are set, new comments will be posted on every change vs only updating once comment with most recent scores.


Type: string | undefined

Used in Slack notifications. A git sha.


Type: string | undefined

A Slack Incoming Webhook URL to send notifications to.


Type: string | undefined

An optional tag or name. Example: build #2 or v0.0.2.


Type: number | undefined

Minutes to timeout. If wait is true (it is by default), we wait for results. If this timeout is reached before results are received an error is thrown.


Type: string | undefined

A comma-separated list of URLs to be audited.


  • Type: string | undefined
  • Parsed Type: string[] | [string, string][]

An alternative way of passing URLs to Lighthouse Check (instead of urls) to fulfill more advanced cases in which URLs have commas or you need to associate a URL with a Foo page token. See examples.

Simple example payload. This could be handy if you have commas in your URLs and therefore using urls input would be too tricky.

'["", ""]'

A more complex example below is if you're running Lighthouse via by passing fooApiToken and you want to associate pages you've added on Foo with temporary URLs using an ephemeral provided by a service like Vercel. The parsed urlsJson value can be an array of strings or an array of string tuples. The first value of the tuple should be the Foo page API token and the second value will be the alternative URL. See the Vercel example.

'[["fooPageToken1", ""], ["fooPageToken2", ""]]'


Type: boolean | undefined

If true, print out steps and results to the console.


Type: boolean | undefined

If true, waits for all audit results to be returned, otherwise URLs are only enqueued.



The lighthouseCheckResults output is an object described in TypeScript below.

interface Scores {
accessibility: number;
bestPractices: number;
performance: number;
progressiveWebApp: number;
seo: number;
interface Data {
// The corresponding URL of the Lighthouse audit.
url: string;
// An AWS S3 URL of the report if S3 inputs were specified and upload succeeded.
report: string;
scores: Scores;
export default interface LighthouseCheckResults {
// A code set by lighthouse-check to represent success or failure.
// Success will be `SUCCESS` while errors will look something
// like `ERROR_${reason}`
code: string;
data: Data[];